Lakeaires third grade teachers (Mrs. Boeke, Mrs. Harding and Mr. Smith), led the charge of a fabulous service project involving their students. The three classrooms of third grade students raised over $400 and purchased material to make 39 wonderful tie fleece blankets for The Closet!
Eugene H. and Joye C. Schutte Family Fund
Lori Arnold, Eugene H. Schutte, Joye C. Schutte, Mary Dahle
Eugene H. and Joye C. Schutte have established a new scholarship made possible by a generous grant of $50,000 from The Eugene H. and Joye C. Schutte Family Fund of Thrivent Charitable Impact & Investing™. This new scholarship will be administered by the White Bear Lake Area Educational Foundation.
Established in September 2021, the new scholarship is a meaningful gesture by Eugene H. and Joye C. Schutte to provide two graduating seniors from White Bear Lake Area Schools (WBLAS) scholarships to pursue a degree in education at two specific universities: University of Wisconsin - River Falls (UW - River Falls) from which Eugene is a graduate and Minnesota State University, Mankato, from which Joye is a graduate. Both hold undergraduate degrees in Education from these two universities. Eugene also holds a Master of Arts in Education from UW - River Falls and Joye holds a Master of Arts in Education from Bemidji State University. They found great meaning in their work as teachers in the WBLAS and would like to provide similar experiences to two graduating seniors.
Eugene H. and Joye C. Schutte Family Fund will award two $2,000 scholarships annually to two students for post-secondary education, one who will be attending UW - River Falls and one who will be attending Minnesota State University, Mankato. Both students must plan to pursue a degree in Education.
KMAN TOURNAMENT donates to the foundation
Thank you to the KMan Golf Open️ for their generous contribution to the Foundation! The KMan tournament started in 1986 and has raised money for the White Bear Lake Area Educational Foundation's Angel Fund since 2008.
The KMan began with a small group of good friends who were saying goodbye to “KMan” (George Kimball), which is a nickname he had during his men’s Fastpitch softball career. In 1986 George and his family were moving away from White Bear Lake to Sleepy Eye, MN, and the golf event was organized as a farewell. The original KMan organizers are Steve Middleton-Koller (Mariner High School Class of 1974) and Dennis Mork. In 1989 George Kimball (Mariner High School Class of 1974) joined Steve and Dennis as an organizer.
The three friends have been organizing and implementing the KMan ever since. The tournament now honors family members and friends of participants, including George Kimball's daughter, Angie Kimball and former participants Gerald Koller, Jeff Hemauer, Dan Vogelgesang, Jack Triden, and Bruce Bottolfson.
Right here in White Bear Lake, many children live in poverty. And with the COVID-19 pandemic, more families are in need of winter essentials. The White Bear Lake Professional Firefighters Association have decided to take action, and need your help! Firefighters have partnered with Operation Warm, a national nonprofit, and are committed to providing 100 brand new coats to economically disadvantaged children who are attending White Bear Lake Area Schools. This has the potential to strengthen our community in more ways than one. Beyond warmth, a new coat positively impacts a child’s school attendance, self-esteem, and overall health and well-being.
The White Bear Lake Professional Firefighters Association is grateful to accept monetary donations to fund this program. Without your help, the goal of reaching all children in need at White Bear Lake Area Schools may be diminished. Please help us make a difference and experience, first-hand, the joy that comes with putting a brand new coat on a local child in need.
Your tax deductible donation will make a tangible impact on the lives of these children within our community. To make an online tax deductible donation please visit
Or, stop by the White Bear Lake Public Safety building and leave your donation in a sealed envelope in the designated location. Coats will benefit The Closet at the Foundation.
Russell T. Lund Charitable Trust
A $500 donation from the White Bear Lake Area Early Childhood Program PTA and a $2000 donation from the Russell T. Lund Charitable Trust were received by the Foundation in May 2019.
The Arbors of White Bear Lake have been designing and selling greetings cards. With the proceeds, they have generously donated to the Angel Fund.
The donation from the Russell T. Lund Charitable Trust was presented to the Foundation at the new White Bear Lake Lunds & Byerlys store on May 14.
We were pleased to support the recent Kid Pack Drive, organized by Birch Lake Elementary’s Student Council, and led by our newest WBLAEF board member, Jill Engwer, and the White Bear Lake Emergency Food Shelf. Other participating organizations included the White Bear Lake Chamber of Commerce, Kowalski’s, Festival, Cub, and Lunds & Byerlys. Together, we collected 5,000 lbs of food to assemble weekend take-home lunches for District kids in need. Pictured here are WBLAEF representatives Jenny Nadeau and Dawn Hank, accepting a thank you from the Student Council.
We appreciate our many collaborative partnerships!
Local Foundations Provide Funding & Support for Students & Teachers
Highlighted in the December 2017 Issue of the White Bear Lake Magazine, local foundations, including The White Bear Lake Area Educational Foundation, were highlighted for their help bridging the gap in their schools.
The WBLAEF directors and staff—like the educational foundations in the area—prides themselves “on supporting innovative ideas and concepts,” says executive director Dawn Hank. Those ideas can come from teachers, administrators, parents or students.
GenZManufacturing Apprenticeship
The GenZ Manufacturing Apprenticeship program with White Bear Lake Area Schools launched the summer of 2017. The Foundation funded the steel toed boots needed for the job.
White Bear Food Shelf opens pantries at 5 local schools
The White Bear Lake Area Educational Foundation (WBLAEF) has granted $6,000 to the White Bear Area Emergency Food Shelf for its newly established school pantry pilot program in 2017.
This fall, the White Bear Area Emergency Food Shelf (WBAEFS) established on-site food pantries at five schools in the White Bear Lake Area School District. The food for the school pantries is provided by the food shelf and stocked by students in the Transitions work program. The schools include: Sunrise Middle School, the Area Learning Center, Transitions, and North and South High School campuses.
In 2013, the WBAEFS launched a partnership with White Bear Lake Area Schools to provide weekend KID packs for children who might otherwise go hungry over the weekend when food is scarce.