BROSIOUS Teaching Grant

Enhancing the Rigor of the Curriculum or Instruction within the School District

Chris Lyons - Technology Teacher

In 1997, Mr. Rutherford Brosious gave a $1,000,000 endowment to the White Bear Lake Area Educational Foundation, in recognition of the high quality education he had received in White Bear Lake. Because he felt very strongly about the positive impact teachers have on their students, he directed a portion of the yearly income from the endowment be used to fund grants from applications of individuals or groups of individuals. The purpose of a Brosious Teaching Grant is to impact student learning and enhance the rigor of the curriculum or instruction within the school district.

Applicant Eligibility & GRANT TERMS

We are opening the Brosious grant for a 2nd round of applications that may be submitted for consideration through Tuesday, February 18, 2025. This is a pilot program for the 2024-2025 school year only. Deadline is February 18, 2025 to submit your grant application.

Who May Apply:

  • Applications will be accepted from educators, or groups of educators who are currently employed by the White Bear Lake Area School District (including but not limited to teachers, social workers, counselors, and psychologists). If you are unsure whether you are eligible, please call the Foundation office.

  • Prior to completing this application for approval you have verified that your building principal and/or district directors (i. e. curriculum, technology, student support, equity) do not have the necessary funds to support your request.

Selection Process:

The White Bear Lake Area Educational Foundation’s Program Committee will review Brosious Teaching Grant applications and make recommendations to the White Bear Lake Area Educational Foundation (WBLAEF) Board of Directors for final approval. This committee will select those proposals which strengthen student learning by enhancing the rigor of the curriculum or instruction within the classroom.

Types of Fellowships:

  • Individual Fellowship: Individual teachers may apply for a grant of up to $3,000.

  • Team Fellowship: This fellowship is a maximum $3,000 per team. Team members do not have to be from the same school. Teams may not apply individually.


  • Grant applications are accepted from individuals or groups for academic projects in all subject areas for up to $3,000.

  • The grant committee will select those proposals which best improve the quality of educational programs for students and adhere to state guidelines. If the grant committee would like more information about your proposal, you may be contacted.

  • All projects must address a need that will increase the rigor of the learning experience for students. The identified need must be aligned with the instructional goals of the White Bear Lake Area School District and must be measurable.

  • Projects will be evaluated based on their potential to impact instruction. Proposals must describe quantitative or qualitative methods for evaluating the success of the project. This description must be stated in the proposal.

  • In the case of a team-based proposal, a lead applicant must be designated to assume overall responsibility for the project, and all correspondence will be directed to that person.

  • If a recipient is not employed by the district at the time the award is funded, the funds will revert to the Brosious Grant fund, or in the case of a team grant, the funds will be redistributed among the other members of the team.

  • Simultaneous funding of different projects for the same individual, department, or team during one grant period is not allowed.

  • Projects are funded for twelve months. Any remaining funds in your account after that date will be returned to the Foundation.

  • Grant funds may not be used in place of normal funds from tax-based sources, such as equipment or capital outlays. Projects do not cover requests for obtaining college credits, teacher/clerical stipends, curriculum writing, or meals.

  • Educators requesting a workshop/conference may apply if the workshop/conference meets the following student based guidelines (focus):

    • Builds student self-direction, confidence, self-esteem

    • Develops student independence

    • Supports life-long learners

    • Motivates student engagement and learning

    • Encourages student leadership

  • Reserve teacher costs must be included.

  • If requesting grant approval for an off-campus experience for students, transportation fees are not applicable.

  • Products purchased with the Brosious grant money become the property of the district, not the individual(s). The products must remain in the building or department.

  • Partial grant funding: It is not always possible for the selection committee to fully fund a grant request. Please indicate in the application if partial funding will allow you to complete the requested development experience. The committee understands that there are some requests that require full funding in order to be completed. Your answer to this question will not negatively affect consideration of your request.

  • The Foundation reserves the right to limit repeated applications for the same grant requests in consecutive years.

  • Once the grant has been approved by the Board of Directors, the applicant cannot request changes.

  • Expenses are reimbursed after submitting a reimbursement form with copies of the receipts to the WBLAEF office. CLICK HERE to submit the reimbursement request.

  • A written results-based evaluation of the project or a 3 to 5 minute presentation to the Foundation Board must be submitted or scheduled with the WBLAEF office within two months of the project’s completion. CLICK HERE to submit the evaluation.

Questions? - Please contact the WBLAEF office at 651-407-7696.


Complete the online application below and submit. Please have your building principal review the project prior to submitting this application, with agreement that the project aligns with district goals.